
Tuesday, February 26, 2008

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Monday, February 25, 2008

Make Money with Article Writing - The Jealously Guarded Secrets To Get Top Search Engine Rankings In Google!!!

Many webmasters are not aware about what you are going to discover. Article writing is the easiest way to propel your website at the top of Google and other search engines. Why is this technique almost unknown from the majority of content site owners and what are the exact steps that you should follow?

I get top rankings for all my websites and you are going to learn how to do this as well in this article. Are you ready?

I will break the whole process in an easy step by step fashion because my readers love this format. Here's a tip that you can take to the bank by the way, write a lot of tutorials and "how to" in your niche markets and people will love you for this.

I am going to assume that you already have the following: a profitable niche, a domain name and a web hosting. These are beyond the scope of this article and I will only show you the article part of the process.

Let's start...

How to get on Google first page writing one article a day

1. Write a single page article about your topic. You are not obliged to know about everything about your niche. In fact, even if you are a complete newbie, you will become an expert after a couple of months doing this.

Here is what to do to research about your topic:

* Make a quick search in Google with your keywords in quotes, and don't forget to read Wikipedia and a couple of articles on directories. Going at your local magazine shop does help at well.

Once you wrote your article, upload it to your server, and let's continue with...

2. Write another 300 words article and submit it to the best article directories (no need to mass submit for this). Be sure to add a resource box with an anchor link to your home page.

3. Rinse and repeat. Once you understood the above and actually took action, you just need to repeat this every single day.

After a month or two of article writing and submission, just watch the magic happen.

To learn more, download my Free Guide: "How To Earn $100K Per Year With Article Marketing".

Franck Silvestre makes thousands of dollars a year from affiliate and article marketing. Wonder what the secret to his success is? Discover how he does it at:

How I Just Wrote a 500 Words Article in Less Than Ten Minutes Time !!!

I'm always looking for ways to ramp up my article-writing speed. Like you, I know that the more quality articles I submit to online article sites, the more inbound links I create to my website.

And also like you, I get bogged down along the way. I throw in way too much detail, I wander off on tangents that wind up lying on my own version of a "cutting room floor," and worst of all, I spend an awful lot of time staring off into space "thinking."

Not good.

Especially when my aim is to join that select group of writers who have written thousands of online articles as part of their article-marketing program. In order to reach these levels, it just stands to reason that I need to turn out at least 100 new articles a month, a level I have not yet achieved.

But I just did something cool that merits passing along to you. I just this morning wrote an article from scratch that took about 7 or 8 minutes to complete. And don't think this was one of those flimsy, skinny article lites that you see so often. It was over 500 words and, in my opinion at least, contained real solid content my readers would like to read.

So here's how I did it:

First, I wrote out a couple of questions. Lately I've been writing other articles about how affirmations are like software programs for the brain, that can help you or I re-program how our brains think. Affirmations, as I've defined it, are statements that "tell the truth about yourself in advance."

In other words, if you are presently a smoker who really wants to quit, you could affirm, "I no longer like the taste of cigarettes, they make me feel nauseous and sick as soon as I put the first one in my mouth." Strictly speaking, that statement is not true, yet. But the brain has a way of "re-wiring itself when it hears such affirmations repeated over and over again to make these statements come true.

But I thought that readers of my most recent articles might want to know, "How can I use affirmations to make these changes come true in my life."

From this question I wrote out a list of possible answers. And then I noticed that each answer prompted other questions, which of course prompted more questions.

I've noticed that I can sit and write ten questions in the time it takes me to write a single statement of fact. Questions flow naturally and are almost effortless.

It's like Rudyard Kipling's old saying about having six servants when he was a journalist: "Who, What, When, Where, Why and How". What could be easier?

Questions and answers. Just like the natural flow of an everyday conversation. Try it and maybe we will both join those 1000+ article writers the rest of us all envy.

Article Marketing For NewBies - The Absolute Best Way To Promote Your Business Online!

The most cost efficient traffic generation method for your online business isn't PPC or banner advertising. It's article marketing. Writing high quality articles and syndicate them all over the web is the very best thing you can do to become an expert in your niche.

By giving your best techniques for free and showing your superiority over the competition, you can make a killing online. A long term article marketing strategy make the difference between a few hundreds dollars and a full time income online.

Article marketing for beginners.

First, you need to write a quality article. 300 words is a good start. A rule of thumbs is between 300 and 400 words because ezine publisher are very selective.

If you never wrote anything for years, just use the 7 tips template. Write an introduction paragraph, and add your 7 tips.

When you are done, add a small resource box with a link to your website. The next step is to submit your articles to the top 20 directories. It is better to outsource, but if you can't, just do it yourself. Don't worry, after a couple of months, you should be able to outsource without any problem.

Think about this: the article directories receive thousands of visitors every single month. Surfers will read them, and webmasters and ezine publishers will publish them all other the web for you.

Imagine for a moment that one of those has a list of 50K loyal subscribers and fall in love with your style? Now imagine that he decide to send your article as a recommendation in his newsletter? Do you think that you will get a boost in subscribers and sales?

I hope you start to see the importance of writing articles to promote your online business. And I didn't even scratch the surface. There are so many benefits that it's impossible to list each of them on the same page.

Do you know that you can get top rankings in Google and other search engines just by writing and submitting an article a day? It's another of the benefit of article marketing.

To learn more, download my Free Guide: "How To Earn $100K Per Year With Article Marketing".

Writing Articles - How To Be Sure That Your Articles Will Be Accepted By The Free Articles Directory Sites?

Although article marketing is the best way to promote your website on the Internet, this traffic generation method is the easiest way to start right away. Many people claim that it's a free advertising method, but the truth is that you need to pay to make it work.

When you think about it, you are going to trade one of these two: your money or your time. Which one is more valuable to you? for me it's time. I really hope it's the same for you...

The key to your success with article marketing is to be accepted by the websites you are submitting to. If they don't publish your articles, why are you writing?

Not all article directories are created equal. Some are moderated while some are pure "junk". Excuse me the term.

Now, let's see how to avoid your article being rejected by article directories.

1. Too Short

Nobody is asking you to write a 2000 words article. In fact, your articles should have between 300 and 400 words. Don't make them too long because your reader may be distracted before he can click on your most wanted response. You know, the link in your resource box.

2. Bad Grammar

If English isn't your first language, don't panic! There are countless websites on the Internet to teach you the basics. Just try to learn and practice ten minutes every single day, and after a few short months, you will write like a ghostwriter.

3. Spelling Mistakes

If your article is full of spelling mistakes, the good articles directories like EzineArticles or articledashboard will not accept it. It takes less than 5 minutes to check your article in MS word. If you don't have word, don't worry, There are many free spell checker tools on the web.

Just do a search in Google and you should find plenty of them. Just test two or three and choose the one you prefer.

Follow these three tips to get the most of your article marketing efforts.

To learn more, download my Free Guide: "How To Earn $100K Per Year With Article Marketing".

Article Marketing 101: Perfect Resource Box for Authors

If you want to really make your article "SELL" then you've got to craft the perfect RESOURCE BOX. This is the "author bio" that is below your article body and it's also known as your "SIG" (short for SIGnature).

Here are the essential items that should be in your RESOURCE BOX:

  • Your Name: You'd be amazed at how many folks forget to include their name in the RESOURCE BOX. Your name and optional title should be the first thing in your resource box.

  • Your Website Address: in valid URL form. Example:

  • Your Elevator Pitch: This is 1 to 3 sentences that encapsulates the essence of what makes you and your offering unique. Also known as your USP (Unique Selling Proposition).

  • Your Call To Action: You've got them warmed up and now it's time to lead them to BUY from you or visit your website. This is where you "Ask For The Sale." Best to only give (1) specific call to action.

Here are some optional items you could include in your RESOURCE BOX:

  • Your Ezine Subscription Address: While getting your interested visitor to surf your website is nice, capturing their email address can help you begin the confidence/trust process. If you're going to do this strategy, include a URL for your ezine subscription address and do not use an email address for the "join" address.

  • Your Contact Information: Such as your business phone number or how to reach you for interviews or your press/media kit. Keep in mind that article marketing is a timeless strategy and you may not have an easy ability to retract what you put in your article once it hits major distribution.

  • A Free Report: This could also be part of your call to action or your free bonus report that further enhances your credibility as the expert on the topic of your article.

  • Your email autoresponder: I'm not a big fan of this strategy due to the fact that spammers will text-extract your autoresponder address and add it to their spam list. Perhaps this strategy was best for the 1990's and has now run its course.

  • An anchor URL that is related to one keyword or keyword phrase that you want to build SEO strength for. Example: if I wanted to build search engine relevance/strength for the term "Article Marketing," I'd link up that term in my resource box to my website. This is an intermediate to advanced level strategy and should not be abused by over-doing it. Keep it simple.

What NOT to include in your RESOURCE BOX:

  • A listing of every website you own. There is no faster way to dilute your credibility than by posting a half dozen irrelevant URLs that have nothing to do with each other. Best to only post ONE URL that is related to the topic of your article.

  • A listing of every accomplishment you've achieved to date. No one cares. Keep your resource box brief and to the point. Yes, your resource box should be benefit oriented so that the reader finds value in reading it rather than your ego being justified.

  • Advertisements or pitches for products that are not relevant to the topic of your article.

  • Keep the size of your resource box so that it's no larger than 20% of your total article size. Too often I see resource boxes that are 50% of the size of the total article and this is abusive.

Your Perfect Resource Box Conclusion:

The BODY of your article is where you "GIVE" and the RESOURCE BOX is where you get to "TAKE" for your article marketing gift of information. The resource box is the "currency of payment" you receive for giving away your article. Be sure to include your name, website address, your unique selling proposition as briefly as possible and a simple call to action.

Sunday, February 24, 2008

The Blag Blog a101 Reasons to Link to My Website: THE BLAG BLOG GET A FREE QUALITY LINK

The Blag Blog a101 Reasons to Link to My Website: THE BLAG BLOG GET A FREE QUALITY LINK

Thursday, February 21, 2008

Running an Internet Home Business for Profit !!!!!

Everyone has different reasons for wanting to work from home. Some would like to stay home with their kids, while others can’t work outside the home for health reasons. Whatever your reasons are, an Internet home business can provide an income.

Usually, any Internet home business is not going to make any money right away. It will take time and effort to build up your new business before it will be at all profitable. Regardless of what internet marketers may tell you, you will not be making thousands a week with any Internet home business. Usually those marketers are trying to lure you into their program, that’s why they promise so much.

A Solution to Stay at Home?

There are several options for working at home, and an Internet home business is one of them. The first step will be to decide if you are even capable of working at home on your own. Are you able to set a work schedule for yourself and more importantly, are you able to stick to that schedule? If you need someone telling you what to do and handing you projects throughout the day, working with your own Internet home business may not be the best answer for you.

Deciding what exactly you want to do with an Internet home business is your next step. Do you want to start your own business? Or would you rather sell something and be a distributor for that product? There are so many options available on the internet that it can feel overwhelming just trying to sort out the junk from the real opportunities. If you decide to work for someone else in an Internet home business, make sure you understand exactly what you are getting into.

Some will require money up front, while others will provide support and help you to get started. If you feel at all uncomfortable with anything they are asking you to provide or do, step back and slow down. If it just doesn’t feel right, don’t do it. Or better yet, check them out online. If they are trouble, someone will have posted their experiences with the company online.

If you plan on an Internet home business of your own, what do you plan to do? Transcription is one job that can easily turn into a good Internet home business. It is something that can be sent through e-mail, and when it is done, you can return it to the customer. An Internet home business of your own will require a lot of groundwork especially since you are laying out the ground floor for yourself and probably won’t have anyone helping you.

An Internet home business is a definite possibility. However, it does take quite a bit of time and effort to find one that fits with what you can and want to do. Take your time, explore all of your options, and then the real work will start. It is doable, so don’t give up if it takes a little longer than you expected!

Running an Internet Home Business for Profit !!!!!

Everyone has different reasons for wanting to work from home. Some would like to stay home with their kids, while others can’t work outside the home for health reasons. Whatever your reasons are, an Internet home business can provide an income.

Usually, any Internet home business is not going to make any money right away. It will take time and effort to build up your new business before it will be at all profitable. Regardless of what internet marketers may tell you, you will not be making thousands a week with any Internet home business. Usually those marketers are trying to lure you into their program, that’s why they promise so much.

A Solution to Stay at Home?

There are several options for working at home, and an Internet home business is one of them. The first step will be to decide if you are even capable of working at home on your own. Are you able to set a work schedule for yourself and more importantly, are you able to stick to that schedule? If you need someone telling you what to do and handing you projects throughout the day, working with your own Internet home business may not be the best answer for you.

Deciding what exactly you want to do with an Internet home business is your next step. Do you want to start your own business? Or would you rather sell something and be a distributor for that product? There are so many options available on the internet that it can feel overwhelming just trying to sort out the junk from the real opportunities. If you decide to work for someone else in an Internet home business, make sure you understand exactly what you are getting into.

Some will require money up front, while others will provide support and help you to get started. If you feel at all uncomfortable with anything they are asking you to provide or do, step back and slow down. If it just doesn’t feel right, don’t do it. Or better yet, check them out online. If they are trouble, someone will have posted their experiences with the company online.

If you plan on an Internet home business of your own, what do you plan to do? Transcription is one job that can easily turn into a good Internet home business. It is something that can be sent through e-mail, and when it is done, you can return it to the customer. An Internet home business of your own will require a lot of groundwork especially since you are laying out the ground floor for yourself and probably won’t have anyone helping you.

An Internet home business is a definite possibility. However, it does take quite a bit of time and effort to find one that fits with what you can and want to do. Take your time, explore all of your options, and then the real work will start. It is doable, so don’t give up if it takes a little longer than you expected!

Excellant Ways of Finding Online Jobs

There are many avenues to home employment on the Internet. If you look for jobs at home or work at home jobs on a search engine, you will find many Jobs at Home Websites with Job Listings. Some offer Free Membership and some charge a Monthly, Annual or Lifetime Registration Fee. Many offer Free Trial Memberships or Trial Memberships. Some jobs at home websites you will see on the Internet are:,,,,,,,, and

Staffing Services, No Fee Work At Home

However, there are also many more companies online offering home employment directly with no cost to you. Some of them are Outsourcing Services hiring home employees from their own websites. You will also see help wanted advertisements from temporary and permanent employment agencies looking for workers. You might consider employment agencies, staffing services, freelance websites, recruiters, help wanted classifieds or jobs search agents. An online search for virtual staffing services should provide many helpful online virtual staffing services that are looking for employees to work for their clients.

Outsourcing Services No Fees

You will find many more work at home opportunities on the Internet with Outsourcing Services. They already have a large clientele and marketing system and are looking for more employees to help their clients. There are call centers, customer support providers and customer relationship management firms that pay people for customer support work done from home, telesales specialists looking for salespeople, virtual assistant agencies looking for virtual assistants, data processing services looking for data entry typists and many other outsourcing services are advertising for employees to work online. You will also see many online Outsourcing Services that advertise editing services and recruit editors to work for their online services, or writers, typists, accountants, etc. Many temporary agencies and freelance websites also advertise for workers who will work on outsourced projects for them.

Help Wanted Classifieds

For recent help wanted classified advertisements look at and Recent classified advertisements with titles like Now Hiring, Help Wanted and Job Openings are posted in newsgroups, job boards, forums and message boards too., and check many job boards in their job search. You could also post your resume at and apply for jobs you like with your resume from their website., a large job and career website, and also provide this service free.

Jobs At Home Newsletters

There are also many helpful jobs at home websites that will send you recent job advertisements in a newsletter or ezine. You can join their mailing list or subscribe to their newsletters free at their websites. is recommended for recent jobs at home advertisements in their free newsletter., and also provide free jobs at home information in their newsletters. Email Alerts are also available from many job and career websites including, and

Internet Newsgroups

Another resource for job search and help wanted advertisements is Internet Newsgroups. Jobs are posted in Newsgroups at in newsgroups like,,, and You can find many recent help wanted advertisements in newsgroups and messages about them. You can also search for jobs. Many more jobs at home opportunities are listed in Yahoo Groups and MSN Groups.

Jobs At Home Search Engines

You will also find many jobs at home search engines and jobs search engines that you can search for jobs. You can search for home employment with jobs search engines using keywords like at home, home, homebased, job at home, outsource, remote, telecommute, telemarket, telework, virtual, work at home, and work from home. will do a Job Search and/or Resume Distribution for a charge. These websites have jobs at home search engines:


Employment Agencies

A good place to start would be with Employment Agencies. They have one of the largest selections of employers and jobs and they are professionally trained in job placement.

Some of them are Outsource Staffing Services or Virtual Staffing Services that have employee bases of their own. You can register with them and start working for them, too.

Register with these Employment Agencies, Outsourcing Services, Virtual Staffing Services and Freelance Agencies and they will help you find a job.

You will need a professional resumé and cover letter. You can make your own and upload them to the websites. You will also see many Resumé Services in this book that will design and distribute your resumés.

You should also have several professional references. It would also help you to take some classes or tutorials and add some Certifications to your resumés.

Some of these Services will provide a Customized Web Page for you with your CV (Curriculum Vitae) or Resumé, a Profile, References, Contact Information and Degrees, Diplomas and Certifications. You will be able to send prospective Employers to these Web Pages.

Employment Agencies

- AccounTemps
- Adecco
- AlpineAccess
- AssistU
- CareersFromHome
- ConnectCareers
- ContractedWork
- CyberSecretaries
- DeskTopStaff
- Elance
- Electric Quill Http://
- Elite Virtual Assistants Http://
- Executary Http://
- FlexibleSchedules
- Global Staffing Http://
- HireAbility
- HomeBasedSecretaries
- HR-Dept
- Job Line Http://
- PhoneMagicInc
- Prime Outsource Http://
- Professional Support Services
- Speedy Secretarial Http://
- Staffing Services Http://
- Tad Accounting
- V Services Http://
- V Staff
- V-Staffing
- VIPDesk
- VirtualAssistantJobs
- VirtualAssistants
- VirtualAssistantsRUs
- Virtual Corp Http://
- Virtual Medical Staffing Http://
- VirtualResourceMgmt
- VirtualStaff2CallCenter
- VirtualStaffing
- VOStaffing

Financial Employment

- AccounTemps
- BalanceYourBooks
- Bookminders Inc. Http://
- Financial Staff Http://
- JobsInTheMoney
- TadAccounting
- Wall Street Services

Telecommuting, Jobs At Home Websites with Job Databases, Training, Resume Help, Job Newsletters and More


Medical Nursing Jobs


Accounting Bookkeeping

- AccountantsWorld
- AccounTemps
- Accounting & Finance Personnel
- Ajilon
- BalanceYourBooks
- BankingBoard
- Bookminders Inc. Http://
- Call An Accountant
- Financial Staff Http://
- I Hire Accounting Http://
- OutSource Your Books
- Prime Outsource Http://
- TadAccounting

Wednesday, February 20, 2008

How To Get One Way Back Links From Other Webmasters

To be able to achieve success in the World Wide Web, you need traffic. Traffic, as has been said many times, is the lifeblood of any website. Without traffic, you can never achieve any profit in cyberspace.

The best way to generate the traffic that you need is by placing highly in the search engine results. And to do this, your website needs to have a high page rank. One of the more vital determinative factors of increasing your website’s page rank is the number of relevant back links pointing to your URL.

Now here’s the catch. It’s not as easy as exchanging back links with another webmaster. What you need is to gain one way back links from different sources. This is what search engines want. And this is what you should aim for.

How can you convince other webmasters to include a link of yours in their web pages? Here are some tactics you can employ.

- The best way to get some unilateral links is to ask other webmasters. You don’t have to employ subterfuge, as some of these webmasters will be kind enough to assent to your request. There’s no need to bribe them with all varieties of kindness even. You’ll be surprised with the sheer number of webmaster who will actually agree to your request. The important thing is that you try this route.

- Often however, it’s a “what’s in it for me” business. Offering a link back to his website usually does the trick, but then again, we’re after one way links here, not reciprocal ones. One of the better ways to win his assent is to offer him something that he needs for his website. We’re talking about content, of course, as every webmaster needs content. Write an article for him, and exclusively for him, with a subject that is relevant to his website. Then ask if you can include your link within the article. 90% of the time, such a webmaster will agree. How can he say no to free content?

- Another offer you can use as lure for webmasters for that vital virtual real estate that can host your website’s URL is an incentive program. If your website is selling some products, for example, you can tell the webmaster that you’d give the visitors that will come from his website a substantial discount. Such visitors will develop a sense of loyalty for the webmaster, and your proposition will be something that he’ll find difficult to dismiss.

- By far the best way to encourage webmasters from all over the World Wide Web to include your link in their web pages is by establishing an affiliate program. Such an affiliate program will reward these webmasters a specified commission for every sale they will manage to refer. John Reese, in one of his amazing Traffic Secrets conventions, said that if you’re not using affiliate programs, there’s something seriously wrong with you. Indeed, affiliate programs are the most efficient and the most expedient way of building your back links.

- Viral marketing is the next most effective way of gaining some back links, and this time, you won’t even have to actively invite people to include your URL in their web pages. Viral marketing comes in many forms. Just take a look at which provides a slew of cool additions for blog users. Because of the very interesting nature of what it provides, the website garners thousands of visitors per day without even having to advertise themselves. It’s all word of mouth. MySpace grew the same way. It’s system is viral in nature, and it expanded by nature as well.

Newbies Can Start With Free Blogging Web Site

For first time bloggers, a free blogging web site is a great way to get started in the blogosphere. Popular blogging web sites like blogger and eponym allow users to set up and host a blog without paying any fees at all. This encourages people to start blogging, because the fact that one of these sites can provide you with all of the tools that you need to get your blog up and running without spending any money means that you have nothing to lose by starting a blog. The fact that it is so easy to find a way to blog for free is one of the reasons why so many people who have never had any other kind of web presence before find themselves drawn to blogging.

By signing up with a free blogging web site, you may find it easier to get listed in search engines that you would if you were starting your own blog from scratch. For example, google runs the free blog hosting site blogspot and crawls its pages very often looking for updates, so if you have your site hosted by blogspot you are almost guaranteed to be listed on google's blog search engine. This easy access to search engines can take some of the work out of promoting your blog, and can help you gain a following with a minimum of marketing effort.

If your blog attracts a large readership, you may want to consider moving your site. Many people feel that being hosted by a free blogging web site gives a blog a kind of amateur flavor that is fine for a new member of the blogosphere, but is not appropriate for a high-profile blog. Having your own domain can help you make your blog feel professional, and finding a company that will host your domain is not difficult or expensive. Once your blog takes off, you will probably be able to sell enough advertising space to be able to afford to buy a domain and pay for a hosting package, and still have money left over. However, it does not make sense in most cases to invest in these glossy luxuries before you have a sizable readership.

Starting your blog on a free blogging web site is a great way to build a following before you spend any money on your blog. If and when your blog becomes popular and you are ready to take the next step and purchase your own domain, your readers will follow you to your new home. The fact that it is possible to use a free blog host like blogspost, blogger, or eponym as a kind of incubator for your blog is great news for bloggers everywhere.

Learning How to Make Money through Blogging

There are two major types of business models that entrepreneurs use to make money blogging. The first and most common way to turn a blog into a profit making machine is to sell advertising to different companies and brands who want to reach that blog's readers. The second kind of money making blog is one that helps a single brand improve its image by creating positive associations between the blog and the product in the mind of consumers. Both kinds of blogs can make a lot of money, especially if the creator has a keen mind for marketing.

If you are blogging with the goal of selling advertising, there are two basic ways that you can go about recruiting sponsors who want to put ads on your site; you can let someone else do all of the legwork, or you can do the work yourself and keep all of the revenue. Within the first group, many people make money blogging by selling space through Google's AdSense program. The advantages of this program are numerous, as it requires very little effort on the part of the blogger or webmaster to begin raking in profits. However, most people discover that they make less money through this method than they had hoped that their blog would earn.

Selling advertising directly to companies who want to put banner ads or sponsored links on your blog can take quite a bit of time, but it is often fairly lucrative. If you have a lot of contacts in industries that are related to the topic of your blog, you may want to try to go this route. People who have a strong background in sales and are experienced at pitching proposals can make quite a bit of money by renting blog space to interested companies. The most serious problem with this model is that you often have to build quite a sizable readership before you can attract advertisers, which can mean that you have to do several months of work before you start to make money blogging.

As blogging becomes a more and more lucrative business, a lot of established companies are considering how they can get into the action. One way that companies are capitalizing on the blog movement is by having blogs that provide a kind of friendly face for their corporation. Often, a company will employ an established blogger to create a weblog designed specifically to appeal to that company's customers and to create positive associations with the brand in consumers' minds. More than one writer who never even dreamed that he or she could make money blogging has been approached by a company and offered quite a pretty penny for this kind of gig.

Five Different Ways To Monetize Your Blog

You’ve heard about the blog and ping strategy to drive traffic to your main website, right? It is for this reason that blogs have taken a level of prominence in the online marketing world as powerful tools – nay – weapons that can help any internet marketer succeed in this industry.

Blogs, by their very nature, are the easiest, most accessible content management systems in the World Wide Web. And because they are easy to update, search engine spiders love them! Just run a search of any topic in any search engine and you’ll be greeted by blogs occupying the prime spots in the results pages.

Blogs also have a connectivity feature that is unparalleled in cyberspace. Other blog owners will link to you, even if you never invited them. Also, submit your blog to a blog directory and more people will link to your blog as well.

Blog entries can also be converted into RSS feeds automatically. This means the content syndication is made easier if you’re using your blog to launch your content.

But blogs are not just an internet marketer’s weapon to make his business prosper.

Blogs can also be monetized. They can become an income stream on their own, and an affective one at that. Given the traffic and the page rank that blogs command, it will be easy to imagine the earning potentials of these wonderful creations once they are optimized well for monetization purposes.

Here are 5 fabulous ways by which you can DIRECTLY earn from your blog.

1. Use your blog in lieu of your sales page. You can actually pre-sell, or even directly sell, your products through the entries in your blog. This can be in the form of an announcement, or even a positive review or a strong recommendation. Since people are expected to flock on your blog, might as well create a channel by which you can instantly convert those visitors into paying customers.

2. Don’t have your own products to sell? No problem. Sign up with any affiliate program over at ,, or and you will be given an appropriate affiliate link. You can promote this affiliate link through your blog entries and you can earn some generous commission for every sale you will manage to refer. Best of all, you can join as many affiliate programs as you’d like. You’re not limited to just one program. Each affiliate program you will join will provide an income stream for your web log.

3. Integrate a PPC program to your blog. Enroll with AdSense or any other ad hosting services. You will get paid every time a visitor of yours will click on the ads that the service will display on your blog. And since you’re sure to generate a large volume of traffic for your blog, you’ll be able to win a lot of clicks and a lot of dollars to boot.

4. Find sponsors. If you want a surefire income, build the reputation of your blog by regularly posting quality entries. Once you have achieved at least 50,000 unique visitors per month, and a page rank of at least 4 (quite easy by today’s standards), you can sell valuable real estate in your blog to some willing sponsors. An easy way of sourcing out some sponsors is by advertising in and displaying your blog’s relevant stats.

5. Once you have achieved the reputation mentioned above, you can also sell links to other webmasters. Since your number of unique visitors will be high and your page rank will be desirable, your blog will be an important commodity for webmasters who are looking for quality links.

Sharing Your Thoughts With Just A Simple Click

Blogs are among the widely growing factions of the web these days for they allow you to promptly impart pertinent information. If you are going to look at it closely, you will notice that it is also a form of website, where you can display posts that maybe chronologically ordered. In addition, it also allows you to publish comments of some readers, same as photos which could spice up the content and present links to several websites which are of the sphere of interest of the owner or the readers.

Seeing The Features

An exceptional feature that is highlighted by blogs is that they permit the writer to have his posts seen immediately. Moreover, the tone of the blog need not be formal all the time particularly if the owner is presenting his distinctive perspective.

Blog From A Web Site

For you to get started with your own blog you may create your own account on blog hosting sites, or you can just ask for the consent of a particular site owner for you to have your own blog on their site.

If you have obtained the consent then you can start by clicking on the link which says 'view all site content' and then proceed by clicking create. Then you have to move to the list of web pages and then click on the link which says 'sites and workspaces.' After doing so, you must go to the title and description segment and then you can type the narrative of your blog. As soon as you have completed that step, you may now enter a web address which you may use for your blog.

Blog From Blog Hosting Sites

In the event that you prefer to have your blog on a blog hosting website all you need to do is to complete a form which contains some of your personal information, blog preferences and the look of your blog. You also need to type in a web address of your blog then after that you may start posting your thoughts for public viewing. Moreover, these sites offer customization of blogs through themes which you can also take advantage of in order for you to get the look that you desire for your blog.

Granting that blogs are recurrently used for purposes of commentaries over the net, there are also numerous ways these blogs could be used as a source of income or for some corporate surroundings.

Free Blogging E-course from Simpleology

I'm evaluating a multi-media course on blogging from the folks at Simpleology. For a while, they're letting you snag it for free if you post about it on your blog.

It covers:

  • The best blogging techniques.
  • How to get traffic to your blog.
  • How to turn your blog into money.

I'll let you know what I think once I've had a chance to check it out. Meanwhile, go grab yours while it's still free.

Have you Joined the RSSHugger?

RSShugger is a new website that brings bloggers and readers together. It’s a new website for bloggers to get some traffic from the feeds. Not only rsshuggers help in getting traffic, but it also provide value in building backlinks for search engine optimization.

Rsshugger is the concept by Collin LaHay, an experienced entrepreneur, search engine optimizer, and internet marketer. A recent $13,000 RSS contest on inspired Collin to develop this unique concept.

To get a permanent RSS page on rssHugger, all you need to do is write an honest review of the website on your blog or else you can get it by paying a review fee of $20.

There are already 273 RSS feeds from various blogs in different niches at the time of writing this post. If you want to add your blog, go to, register and write a review about it. I have done the same in this post and let’s see how much traffic it sends!

RSS Hugger

If you do Hug, do share your experience here in comments!

Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Yes, You Need an Article Submitter

The adage "Work smarter, not harder" really applies to writing and submitting E-zine Articles.
Ezine articles are without a doubt one of the best ways to drive traffic to your Affiliate Sites and to increase your SEO.

Whether doing a submittal manually or using an article submitter, the basics do not change. Before submitting to an article site one must register. This procedure is usually filling out an online form, and receiving a confirmation sent to your e-mail address. Click on this confirmation and you are a registered user. You log on to the submit site using your ID and password. Next, enter a Pen Name. Now you are ready to click on Submit Article.

It is at this juncture where an article submitter comes into play. Submitting manually gets the job done but is tedious and time consuming. An article submitter Speed up the data entry. Why is this important? It is generally accepted that to be a successful Ezine article writer, one must submit 2 - 3 articles per week to hundreds of article sites. Doing this by hand is simply not possible. Look at the author statistics on any site and you will see that the successful authors have submitted hundreds, even thousands of articles. They are making impressive monthly incomes.

There are many article submitter Software Programs on the market, Article Submitter, Article Submitter Gold, My Article Pro, My Article Submitter, and Article Money, to name a few. They vary in features, ease of use, and cost. Most offer a Free download for trial use. These are fully operational, but some limit the number of days the program can be used and others limit the size of the submit site database. Why do they give a Free download? So you can see for yourself the benefits of the program by hands-on use. For example, in my case I downloaded a Free Trial Version and used it to submit an article to several sites. I was impressed with my article being Auto-Filled instead of having to do the tedious cut and paste exercise. The trial program came with a Database of 80 article sites, but I immediately ordered the full version with a database of over 600 sites. To me, the program was worth the price if for nothing more than getting the list of 600 sites to submit articles. Now I had the tool to quickly submit articles, complete with list of sites that would be continually updated. My time could now be better spent on writing new articles.

What should an article submitter NOT do for you? It should not be a robot Spam type program. This type of submittal is frowned upon, a nuisance to the submit sites, and can get you banned from the best article sites.

What should a good article submitter do for you? It should let you go through the submit process step by step as you normally would, just making it easier and faster to make the submittal. Logging on to a site for the first time, requires a few steps whether manual or using an article submitter. One must enter the ID and Password, and select a Pen Name. Lets go through the steps and see where the article submitter saves time. Go to the article submit website. Immediately your ID and Password are filled in by the article submitter. You can go directly to Submit Article. Instantly your entire article is auto-filled, the Title, Author name, Summary, Body, and Resource Box. Stunning, no time consuming cut and paste. Manually select a Category, as this the only way to ensure that your article ends up in the correct category and sub-category. Click Submit, then Log Off. Your article will look totally hand submitted. The article submitter will automatically enter the submit date in your database, and give you a chance to type in a note or comment. No more pencil and paper notes covering your desk. Then, on to the next site. And where did the next site come from? The site database in your article submitter! The article submitter is a win-win, saving time by eliminating the tedious article cutting and pasting, and eliminating the time consuming chore of building your own list of article submit sites.

If you are not using an article submitter, you may very well be spending more than you are making. Quality articles quickly submitted to hundreds of submit sites is the key to being successful. There is a way to accomplish this. Yes, You Need an Article Submitter.

Do you People Needs Help Writing Articles?

Writing articles on the internet has been the success of many writers nowadays. Article Marketing is a very good technique to get Targeted Traffic and many top Internet Marketers are using it. It is a technique that you simply have to master if you want to obtain free search listings within Google, Yahoo and Search Engines.

Writing articles can scare all but the bravest of writers. It can appear to be a difficult task because many people think that their vocabulary has to be complex or they have to be experts on a subject. Honestly, writing for blogs is no different than writing articles for Myspace or for your own website.

Writing easy to read articles is a must in article marketing. Articles themselves should be kept relatively short. They should also be spell-checked in a word processor before being submitted. Articles submitted to publishers that do not follow the submission guidelines will most likely be deleted or kicked back.

Articles that range anywhere from 250 to 500 words in length are in high demand, and there are a number of ways you can benefit from that demand. Articles that are interesting and informative will act like a magnet to draw targeted traffic direct to your website in both the short term and the long term.

Writing articles and making money with articles can be easy for anyone when you know the best format to use and your writing skills are honed. Writing articles to Improve Website Traffic can be very profitable if done correctly, though most people appear to need advice on how to write articles. Article writing doesn't have to be difficult and the rewards are great.

Free Reprint Articles: The Secret to Increased Site Cash Flow...

Who else wants more visitors to their blog? If you write a blog, your income requires a steady run of patrons and attracting the most you can of it. So how do you bring more visitors to your blog cheaply and quickly? How can you raise your search result rank on your blog's most valuable keywords and get people to visit your site?

Have you considered publishing your unique piece to an article directory?

An article directory, otherwise known as a free reprint directory, is a collection of writing that ezine owners may distribute for nothing. The only catch is that the author's name and HyperLinks to their website must remain attached to the completed work.

If these reprints are free, how exactly does an article directory help the writer? Article directories benefit you by pulling readers to your site. E-zine editors reprint one of your articles to add worthwhile content for their existing readers.Visitors to the website then click on your link and are taken back to your blog.

Obviously, free reprint directories provide a mutually beneficial opportunity - you get more readers, and the bloggers using your articles increase their page views.

An article of any volume, purpose, or subject may be sent to an article directory. The process is as simple a mouse click. The article directory displays your name and link with your article, and everyone who reprints the article is required to do the same. You get more readers when people take a look at your article at the article directory, and again as your content is published on another website and read by readers of that website.

Whether or not you publish your articles, have you thought about using some articles written by other bloggers and writers? Free reprint directories contain a wide assortment of articles about every conceivable subject, a great deal of which are specifically written to be keyword dense. Remember that the care with which you insert keywords throughout your writing will result in increased search engine traffic!

Since using these articles costs nothing, there's no risk. Most free reprint articles are authored by talented bloggers and writers like you. Don't forget that you can of course select only the free reprint articles you feel pass your quality standards.

Whether you decide to submit your articles to a reprint site, whether you might want to make use of the rich content these sites contain, or whether you might wish to do both, you are guaranteed to Increase Traffic to your website - and best of all, it's free!

Article Craze: Shaking Things Up !!!

Publishing an article online is an excellent way to introduce information online visitors to your business, and the article becomes a gateway to your website. Article publishing or Marketing has become one of the most popular means of generating quality back links and Targeted Traffic to your website and also the best way to establish your business credibility. Most entrepreneurs and professionals use their articles as a major component and Marketing Strategy in launching successful business earning very substantial incomes. It is now gigantic in the world of Search Engine Optimization (SEO) and business perception.

Article Writing

Writing articles is a powerful link builder that you might be missing. A powerful linking strategy ensures that your site receive tons of qualified, pre-sold traffic interested in signing up for your newsletter, downloading your e-Book, and buying what you have for sale. The business makes these written articles freely available for distribution and publication in the marketplace. Each article contains a resource box or the “about the author” area which includes references, contact or business information and links for the author’s website or business. A quality or well written content article has the higher chance in gaining quality backlinks, author business credibility, and as well as potential clients that could lead to an increase in sales.

Online Article Marketing

Article marketing has been used by professionals for nearly as long as mass-print has been available. Now that it has become the latest fever of today’s Internet-driven world, article marketing has emerged as one the most powerful strategies in introducing businesses to billions of internet users worldwide. This type of marketing is also known as a highly effective and low cost way of advertising and attracting visitors to your sites. Online article marketing has served geminate roles by providing publishers with essentially free content and advertisers with essentially free advertising.

Free Service

Free articles directory and article submission service provides large and small business with publicity opportunities to showcase their products and services. Free traffic is really great for one obvious reason it’s free. Free article publishing service like iMallowArticles offers free article submission and articles directory to promote your business online. I think everyone knows that promoting products and services can be achieved for free; just offer a great value in your post and you’ll gain good reputation and free exposure to your website.

Business Success

Highly relevant information is at the core to your business. In an increasingly information-driven economy, the success of your business depends on how effectively and efficiently you manage and deliver information. Search engines are now the major prospects to learn about your business. It is important to understand that if you’re looking to drive traffic to your site, backlinks are just huge. That is because the MAjor Search Engines use the presence of backlinks to decide where your site ranks in the search engine results. PageRank relies on the uniquely democratic nature of the web by using its vast link structure as an indicator of an individual page’s value and search ranks results according to their relevance to particular query by analyzing the web page text, title, and description accuracy as well as its source, associated links, and other unique document characteristics. The higher your page rank is, the higher chance in generating targeted traffic to your website and the higher chance to double or even triple your income.

Search Engines: Understand Search Engines in a Better Way.

Search engines are the most valuable discovery of this century acting as a bridge between millions of web pages and web users. It is really impossible to imagine web world without search engines. Millions of web pages will be converted into a chaotic disordered jungle without search engines. Useful websites may be hidden from the users and what information received will be of no use. Search engines work non stop to gather valuable information underlying in the million of web pages scattered on the internet.

Search Engine: Various Aspects

Visitors Point of View (Trying to Find Better Results)
Users enter the specific search query in the search box provided by search engines. Search engines perform their search and display all the relevant results found in the Search Engine Directories.

Websites Understanding of Search Engines (To Provide Better Results)
Websites always want to be included in results of the search engines and get listed in the top 20 results by the search engines. Automated search engine spiders crawls the web by links. If a website qualifies on the certain search engine parameters it will indexed by the search engines.

People often categories crawler based search engines and human powered directories as search engines but both are different.

How Search Engines Work?

Search engines have certain algorithms for indexing web pages and displaying web results. The process followed by the search engines is incredibly complicated and detailed. In very raw terms search engines follow the following three different steps to display search Results queried by you:

• User types the search term or query to the search box.
• Search engine software crawl through the millions of available web pages to find the search query matching.
• The results are ranked in order of the relevancy
Search engines primarily collect metadata about the group of items under consideration thorough indexing. Indexed pages require stored pages by the search engines to calculate the item relevance. Today search engines popularity graph has hiked in a way that they are responding to tens of millions of queries per day if they are indexing hundred out of millions of pages.
Today users requirement have also been changed. Querying a single search engine is not enough for today’s internet savvies. presents a single platform to search almost all the top Search Engines on a single screen. Google and Yahoo are on default setting but user can get results from any search engines listed on the website.

Monday, February 18, 2008

Making Easy Money Fast Without Online Marketing.

If you’re tired of struggling to make money online and just want an easier way to earn money that doesn’t require all the hard work that comes with owning a website, selling products or doing any marketing, then consider a system that provides a simple way to generate cash, and doesn’t cost a fortune!

There are so many money-making opportunities on the internet that promise you that you will earn a large amount of money every month with their systems. Also, they make it sound so easy to obtain these large amounts of money but what they don’t tell you is that much hard work is required to see the results that they claim. Although, most of these money -making opportunities do not entail any special skills or training, there is a lot of hard work involved and it takes a long period of time for someone to reach the financial success that some of these online money making systems proclaim.

Moreover, many of these profitable online marketing opportunities involve promoting other people’s products, which requires so much time and hard work. Importantly, it will take a long time for you to become financially stable with many of the online money- making systems that involve marketing.

For instance, you will have to market, set up a website, then you will have to track everything from traffic, keywords, ads, etc., do market research (takes a long time), advertise, and more. It gets to be frustrating when one has to keep track of all those things mentioned above. Additionally, a good source of income would not be achieved for a while. If you’re like many others and don’t have the time or energy to wait around for financial stability, not to mention, all those bills to be paid and other debts to pay off, then you’re looking for a fast and easy way to make money online that doesn’t require a lot of work.

With all those online marketing opportunities available, there are some other good legit money making opportunities that does not require any marketing, website, or selling any products. So, if you are one of those people who are not into marketing and ready make money right away or who is currently struggling to make money online marketing, then consider an online money-making system that doesn’t require all that hard work that is needed with marketing. Below, is a good system that doesn’t require marketing and is guaranteed to make you money right away without the hard work! This offer can be yours for a very low cost. Do not pass up this great offer.

Introduction of an Admin

Hello Everybody,

I am Haroon Hameed and I am from Karachi Pakistan and I will be running this Blog and I am sure I will be Posting Some enjoyable Things for you so please Bookmark this blog and please come and visit this Blog soon in the future.

I will be Sharing with you the articles that have worked with me and helped me earning money online so stay tuned online on this Blog for my Coming Posts....